
From the Easel of Ralph White

Volcanic Rain

An earthquake rattles the Midwest. Experts predict the “big one” will hit sometime within the next 30 years. Floods, fires, tornadoes, hurricanes and tsunamis can strike with little or no warning and change our lives forever. A natural disaster is no respecter of persons. No country or community is immune to devastation. We don’t always have the luxury of time to discover what may or may not be visible. Sometimes, we have but a fleeting moment to look now before it’s too late.

In Volcanic Rain, the heat of the rain obliterates what is behind it. All life and action are under attack. The challenge is to reach immediate conclusions, save what you can and leave the rest. We must then abruptly define ourselves, chose a course and get moving. Like this painting before it melts into oblivion, can you see enough in your life before it melts away? Look quickly between the drops. Make haste. Maximize each moment. Grab what you can and get going. Take time to authenticate your own soul and spirit before you encounter the next dimension.

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Current & Upcoming Events
Gallery C
1225 Hermosa Avenue
Hermosa Beach, California 90254May 1st – 31st , 2008
**Opening Reception: May 3rd, 5P to 9P

For more info about me, my collection of work, where you can see it displayed at a gallery near you, or how you can get an original painting or limited edition print, please visit:

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