
The Idea

The Idea

A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on.” – John F. Kennedy

Some of the greatest ideas come to us in the middle of the night, as we’re tossing and turning, hoping to get a few hours of precious sleep.  But that rush of adrenaline kicks in… Sometimes it’s an idea for an invention or a concept for business venture. Maybe it’s a vision for an art piece or a set of lyrics for that song you’ve been trying to write. Ideas are what promote us and give us courage. They catapult our dreams.

This painting is the discovery of those late-night butterflies of hope and ambition.  Each color represents all the waking hours of contemplating our zealous ideas and revelations.  Being able to fall asleep in peace with the birth of an idea is the foundation of how this world rotates.

Explore the possibilities…